Registration begins in April for classes beginning in September. Please email or call at anytime for any questions! Completed registration forms and fees can be mailed in or submitted in the lock box down the stairs at the school. All programs run from 2nd week in September (subject to filling enrolment minimums) to mid June.

** CLICK HERE FOR THE: 2024 – 2025 St. James Co-op Preschool Registration **

Note : Please note that your child must be of minimum age by December 31st

St. James Co-op is pleased to offer 2 types of Membership:
**Prices are reduced based on the provincial child care cost reduction initiative (CWELCC)**

  1. MEMBER FAMILIES – Families with one or more children enrolled in Super Stars, Kids Club, or KinderGrow

Family Registration Fee :
due at time of registering
in order to secure program placement
includes $23 non-refundable
registration fee, plus refundable $60 General Meeting deposits – $20
refunded per General Meeting)
includes $23 non-refundable registration fee, plus refundable $60 General Meeting deposits – $20 refunded per General Meeting)
Tuition Super Stars / Kids Club: Tuition payments must be paid by the first of each month via e-transfer to 
or 9 post-dated cheques, dated the first of each month (Sept-May)KinderGrow: *Two payments*.
The first at the time of registration and the second on December 31st. Payments can be made via e-transfer to or written cheques.
Payments must be paid by the first of each month via e-transfer to
or 9 post-dated cheques, dated the first of each month (Sept-May)
General Meeting Attendance Deposit
Mandatory General Meetings are held in September, January, and May
*$20 is returned to one adult family member at each mandatory meeting that is attended.
Mandatory for Super Star, Kids Club and KinderGrow families. Mandatory for ALL Print Works families.
Viva Las Vegas Donation
Fun Adult Fundraiser Auction in February
$100.00 cheque per family post-dated January 21st. Donation for auction
(valued at $100 or more) or cheque will be cashed.
$100.00 cheque per family post-dated January 21st. Donation for auction (valued at $100 or more) or cheque will be cashed.
Cleaning Deposit $125.00 via e-transfer or cheque dated September 1st. $125.00 via e-transfer or cheque dated September 1st.
FULL Participation
(Committees, Imagination Station, and Special Events)
According to the requirements of the program for your child(ren). **EXEMPT**