Superstar Gym
The Toddler Superstars spend most of their time in the Gym. It is landscaped in centres (blocks, kitchen, reading, gross motor, etc.) for children which allows them to explore their learning through creative play and opportunities for social interactions.
Creative Room
The Creative Room is home for Kids Club and the JK/SK Enhancement programs. Creative, social, literacy-based learning thrives in this room outfitted with all the tools needed to spark creative minds among friends.
Imagination Station
A big hit with the kids!! Our ever-changing Imagination Station is a theme-based room that offers opportunities for role-playing, dress up and fun that feeds the imagination. A new theme is introduced and created monthly.
Discovery Room
This room is the home to the KinderGrow Program, where children work independently or in a small/large group to develop their literacy, printing, oral language, science, and the 5 strands of math skills.
Upstairs Gym
The preschool holds our much-anticipated annual events such as the Holiday parties and Fun Fair. The gym has lots of room for the children, families, and their extended family members. The mandatory General Meetings are also held in the upstairs gym.
(Pictured below: The Super Stars and Kids Club cubby room with alphabet carpet)
Natural Learning Space
Thanks to the hard work of the co-operative’s executive and teachers, St. James Cooperative Preschool has installed a fenced in, natural outdoor play yard for the children. This space offers areas of sunshine and shade, plenty of space to move and play, as well as many learning opportunities while investigating the world around them. Equipment in this area will lend itself to children’s exploration and discovery in a natural setting. This large space is evolving as we identify the interests of the children.
– Kids Club checking out the new natural playground
– KinderGrow exploring pine trees in the natural playground.